We began rolling out COVID-19 vaccines to our frontline workers in December 2020, to ensure they could continue to care for our community as we fight this global pandemic. NorthBay Health is following the guidance of state and Solano public health departments as we begin to offer vaccinations, along approved tiers, to our patients.

— Please stay tuned and check back here for updates. —

Updated March 9, 2021

Questions and Answers about the COVID-19 Vaccine

For additional information on the COVID-19 vaccine, visit https://covid19.ca.gov/vaccines/#Questions-and-answers.

We are vaccinating patients 50 and older. Vaccines are given by appointment only. We are contacting patients via email, text message and phone calls to schedule appointments.

We expect this high-risk group will begin receiving vaccines later this month, as long as supplies are available. We are working closely with the county and state health departments on vaccination guidelines.

NorthBay is following the priority levels and tiers set out by the California Department of Public Health. You will receive an email, text message or phone call inviting you to reserve an appointment for both COVID vaccine injections. At this time, we are not able to schedule vaccine appointments via incoming calls or by the patient portal.

No, not at this time. Vaccines are being distributed at centralized vaccine clinics.

No, at this time, we are not able to schedule vaccine appointments via incoming calls or by the patient portal. Please wait for us to contact you via email, text message or phone call.

No, all scheduling will be handled through text, emails and outbound calls.

We recommend you visit the Solano Public Health website with vaccine details at https://www.solanocounty.com/depts/ph/coronavirus_links/covid_19_vaccines.asp

Visit the Solano Public Health website. For vaccine information, visit https://www.solanocounty.com/depts/ph/coronavirus_links/covid_19_vaccines.asp

For COVID-19 information, visit https://www.solanocounty.com/depts/ph/ncov.asp

No, at this time we are not able to vaccinate people who are not NorthBay Health Primary Care patients. Please contact your health care provider to learn more.

For additional information on the COVID-19 vaccine, visit https://covid19.ca.gov/vaccines/#Questions-and-answers.

Most patients do not experience anything other than a mildly sore arm after the first dose. The second dose appears to really stimulate your immune system, which is a good thing, that’s the whole point of the vaccine. It is common to feel like you are coming down with a cold/flu the day after your second shot. You may have a headache, fever, body aches and fatigue… it tends to only last about a day. It is very important to understand that this is expected. What you are feeling is your immune system building a strong defense against COVID.

BEFORE THE SECOND SHOT, we do not recommend taking prescription or over-the-counter pain medications, as this could blunt the immune response. AFTER THE SECOND SHOT, tough it out if you can. If needed, consider taking over-the-counter pain medications, such as Tylenol, acetaminophen, Motrin, ibuprofen.

Yes, the vaccine is highly effective and your body is building a response to the vaccine even if you don’t have any side effects.

Seek medical attention if you experience any respiratory problems such as trouble breathing or if the symptoms persist after two days.

The Pfizer vaccine reaches its full effect one to two weeks after the second dose.

Antibody testing to see if the vaccine worked is not recommended.

Research is ongoing, but a preliminary study shows that the Pfizer vaccine is effective against at least two of the new variants studied.

More time is needed to study how long immunity lasts. Studies show that people who were vaccinated had a very strong immunity to COVID-19 but scientists don’t yet know how long that immunity will last.

We do not know if people can still spread the virus after getting vaccinated or the impact of the variant strains. Please continue to wear masks and practice social distancing. Here is a link to the latest advice from the CDC. https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/index.html

Absolutely. Keep your proof of vaccination in a safe place. It may be required for future travel or return to work or school.

NorthBay Medical Group
