From the Desk of our President and CEO

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Our Road to Recovery

NorthBay Health senior leaders have crafted a Budget Recovery Plan to return our organization to financial stability, so we can continue to operate as an independent health system serving our Solano County community for years to come. We remain committed to providing high-quality compassionate care throughout this process.

The Goal: We must implement $100 million in savings by Dec. 31, with half of that money actually saved by Dec. 31.

A Summary of our Plan
The multi-part recovery plan is composed of both cost-saving and revenue-generating initiatives in various opportunity areas as follows. If the plan is executed in its entirety, we will exceed our budget recovery goal.


We have completed the following initiatives so far (approximately $15 million in savings):

  • Reduced services at NorthBay Health VacaValley Hospital.
  • Consolidated surgery services at NorthBay Health Medical Center.
  • Closed service lines with low revenue.
  • Realigned the workforce.
    • The most difficult decision we had to make was reducing our workforce by about 7 percent (approximately 180 employees). We did our best to support those employees by offering severance packages and assistance finding new jobs.

We expect to save money and generate income through the following initiatives:

  • Renegotiating supplier contracts.
  • Reducing temporary labor.
  • Renegotiating key payor contracts.
  • Selling surplus real estate
  • Raising funds through the philanthropic Foundation to support operations and enhance key services.

We are waiting for decisions on public funding applications submitted:

  • FEMA - approximately $10 million.
  • American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funding - approximately $7 million
  • Hospital Quality Assurance Fee (HQAF) Program funding - approximately $30 million.

VacaValley Hospital
Due to our need for budget recovery, we had to make several temporary changes to services at NorthBay Health VacaValley Hospital. We have no plans to close this facility. We currently offer:

  • 24 acute-care beds.
  • Emergency Department services have not changed.

Patients may be transferred to our NorthBay Health Medical Center hospital in Fairfield due to capacity or provision of certain specialty in-patient services.

Surgery Services
All surgeries were moved to NorthBay Health Medical Center effective Aug. 1, where we have eight state-of-the-art operating suites. However, we still have the ability to perform emergency surgery at VacaValley Hospital as needed.

Outpatient Behavioral Health
Behavioral health clinicians are no longer embedded in our primary care practices. We will offer our patients external resources with trusted partners.

Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine (OMM)
We no longer offer this service.

Wound Care
Will be offered four days per week instead of five days per week.

Cardiopulmonary Rehab
Will be offered four days per week instead of five days per week.