Find HOPE in October

More and more Solano County women are stepping forward to assure quality health care is available locally, by joining a philanthropy group that supports NorthBay Health’s mission.
The next meeting for Women’s HOPE at NorthBay will be Oct. 3, and the theme will be cancer, breast cancer and genetics. Created by NorthBay Health Foundation, Women’s HOPE focuses on Health, Opportunity, Philanthropy and Engagement.
Speakers in October will be Ocologist and Hematologist Jessica Powers, M.D., and Genetic Counselor Karen Vikstrom.
“Our goal is to build a network of like-minded women making a difference through collective philanthropy and engagement,” said Paul McGinty, President of NorthBay Health Foundation.
Throughout the year, HOPE members meet for exclusive, fun and educational events in which they have the opportunity to hear directly from physician leaders, specialists and hospital administrators about general health care issues that affect residents of Solano County, and the care NorthBay Health provides.
At the May 2 kick-off reception, guests heard about HOPE’s mission and goals. Executive leaders shared an inside look at NorthBay’s future, followed by a presentation from the NorthBay Heart & Vascular team. An event in July introduced guests to Trauma Services Medical Director Pete Zopfi, M.D.; Director, Emergency Services/Trauma Program Heather Theaux; and Magnet Program Director Jennifer Tudor, for a presentation on NorthBay’s Magnet and Emergency Services programs.
To join Women’s HOPE, members make a tax-deductible annual donation of $1,000. It can be paid all at once or in quarterly installments. Starting in 2024, the plan is to have members vote every fall on how to invest their collective donations to fund patient care needs at NorthBay Health.
Women’s HOPE steering committee member and nurse leader Katie Lydon urges colleagues and women in the community to check it out.
“It’s an opportunity to come together and make an impactful difference, while networking and learning more about our system and the community we serve,” she said.
For more information, or to RSVP for the October event, contact Susan Cianci at, or call 646-3131.